El Cambio means "the change"

About us

Make a change

Future role models

El Cambio is Spanish for “the change”.

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All attending our academy on full scholarships after a rigorous recruitment procession. Our aim is to grow our impact and welcome more students. Starting in 2021, we have welcomed girls into our unique academy. In 2022 our first student went to America on a scholarship and more will follow.


satellite academies

This is part of our philosophy of giving back to our community. We actively support these satellite academies by regularly providing them with training clinics and equipment.

El Cambio is the leading football academy in East Africa

The Process

Recruitment football academy Uganda


Our scouting team assesses thousands of athletes on a yearly basis. The potential recruits are evaluated on three criteria: how good of a footballer they are, their ability to learn and their character.

Tryout football academy Uganda


Once a player passes the initial selection process, they are brought in for a trial at our academy. During their stay with us which can go up to 3 weeks, they will go through further testing to assess their footballing level, education aptitude and character. The time spent at the academy allows us to observe the players in our environment. This will help us in making our final decision.

New El Cambio Academy player earns scholarship


We will then offer 8-year scholarships to some of the players to join our academy. This means that all expenses will be paid for during this time and they will have access to our world-class education, football and character programs.

Our philosophy

  • Pillar 1: World-Class Education


    Education is a key pillar to everything that we do at our academy. All of our students have to also perform in the classroom.

  • Pillar 2: Elite Football


    We strongly believe that with our coaching experience and footballing philosophy, we can create world-class athletes.

  • Pillar 3: Unique Character Program


    Our goal through our unique character development program is to build strong characters and shape the minds of Africa's future role models.

Our partners